The Living Room Handbook

Birch Lane, Wayfair LLC

Our buying team requested the creation of a platform to house educational content for some of our key categories to help drive conversion and build brand credibility. In collaboration with my copy counterpart, we created The Living Room Handbook.

Thinking mobile first, I designed clear layouts that not just held the information, but helped make it feel more digestible to an overwhelmed customer. Using badges to call out special features, and customer reviews to showcase quality and authenticity. I broke up the rather text heavy pages by mixing imagery with product silhouettes and added clear call to action buttons so the customers knew they could click in and get to product. I created a text only homepage banner that would live lower on the page in addition to the 5 landing pages, one for the main landing experience and then one for each category featured.

Once data is received for this preliminary launch, this campaign packaging will be rolled out for more categories as well as integrated within our email program and on social platforms.

Role: Layout, Type Styling, & Image Selection


Copywriter: Jenn Bergin

Photography: Wayfair Photo Studio



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